Dearest God, please bring into my awareness how I
may be of service to uplift this beautiful planet.
Help me to understand that I am one with everything
and everyone, including each member of your precious
animal kingdom and all of nature.
Enable me to realize that whatever I do to myself
or to another affects the whole.
Allow me to remember that you are within me, and therefore
I can easily create miracles in my life and in the world as well.
Help me to forgive all those who have harmed me in any way.
Guide me in seeing through the eyes of others, and in
seeking forgiveness from anyone who I may have hurt.
Enable me to treat myself with the respect that I deserve,
with the deeper understanding that I am just as
important as everyone else.
Assist me in understanding that whatever I focus
upon grows energetically.
For this reason, grant that I may continue to focus on
peace instead of war, love instead of hate, light instead
of darkness, and unity instead of division.
By shifting my focus toward your Divine light, I am doing
my part in creating a more peaceful world for all.
And so it is.
from We Consciousness: 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace, Karen Noé