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Writing a Love Letter to Yourself

Karen Noé

If you could perceive your life from the point of a loving, nonjudgmental outsider, you would have broader understanding of your life so far. You’d also be able to come to terms with why you did certain things and decide what changes you would wish to make for your future. Even more important, you’d begin to see yourself the way God sees you—as the amazing, magnificent being that you truly are!

A great way to do all this is by writing yourself a loving, compassionate letter. With this process, you will sit down and take all the time you need to reflect on your very best qualities and understand why you responded in certain ways to events throughout your life. When you write, imagine that you are a sympathetic friend, and be sure to maintain an encouraging tone—the letter should be something that makes you feel good. These warm, positive letters will boost your self-confidence and self-love.

This process may be difficult for you to do at first if you have low self-esteem. However, this process is of immense benefit to you in particular, and definitely worth the time it takes to get it right. So just be patient and take as long as you need to accomplish this exercise.

The following are guidelines for writing this type of letter. Please feel free to add your own twist to the process, to really make it your own. The bottom line is that the letter is a warm, positive one that will boost your confidence and increase the love you have for yourself.

Tips for Writing a Letter to Yourself

1. Create a comfortable environment for yourself as you begin. Find a quiet place where you will not be bothered for a while. Set a Do Not Disturb sign on the door, if you need to. Consider praying or meditating to get yourself in the right mood, setting the intention that this will be a positive, uplifting experience!

2. Take the viewpoint of a compassionate friend who is trying to comfort you. As you write this letter, imagine you are on the outside, speaking lovingly to yourself. By taking a different perspective, you’ll be able to see everything in a neutral and sympathetic manner.

3. Start by listing all the reasons why you love yourself. Mention your qualities that you admire. Spend a little extra time here to write a long list, and give yourself a pat on the back for these amazing traits. Acknowledging your great attributes will help you see yourself in a new, wonderful way.

4. Describe your proudest accomplishments. Go back through your memory and discuss anything you did that you are pleased with. What have you achieved or what has occurred because of you? Then explain why you are so proud of yourself for these activities.

5. Discuss whatever you’ve done in your life that you regret—then forgive yourself. If you are dissatisfied with certain things you’ve done, describe what happened, but look at the events with a new understanding of why you did what you did. To have a better insight on these circumstances, talk about why you reacted in certain ways and did these things. Then state that you forgive yourself for each situation, knowing you did the best you could at the time,

given your circumstances and the understanding that you had.

6. Write down what you can do differently to make your life better. Explain that from now on, you will do everything you can to increase the quality of your life. Take note of what didn’t work for you in the past. Analyze everything that is not pleasing to you now, and consider what you can do to create more comfortable, happier situations instead. Then make sure to carry out whatever steps are necessary to resolve your issues.

7. Write a paragraph or two to your higher self. Speak to God within you—the essence of who you really are. Write about how you wish to always feel the true Divine love that is within you and everyone else. Talk about how you wish to reclaim your power to spread peace and to create miracles in the world. Thank this part of you and say how much you honor and love it. Promise to pay more attention to this real you!

8. Conclude the letter with loving, positive statements. End your letter in a warm and caring way. Sum up everything you said in the letter; reiterate how much you love yourself, why you are proud of who you are, and how you will now take every step that is necessary to improve your life.

This simple practice will enable you to release all the self-doubt and insecurities you’ve been carrying around for way too long. Because you’ll be observing yourself from a higher perspective, it’ll be easier for you to notice more of your positive qualities. You’ll also discover what changes you should make to improve your life. Use this newfound knowledge to carry out everything that is needed to honor the promises you’ve made to yourself. In addition, you’ll finally be able to let go of self-imposed guilt and negativity. You’ll realize that you did the best

you could, given the circumstances.

Excerpt from We Consciousness: 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace,Karen Noé

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