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Experience Your Life Review Now by Writing Letters to Your Loved Ones

Karen Noè

How many times have you said to yourself, “If I only knew what he/she was thinking?” Don’t worry, you will find out. When you pass into the spiritual realm, you will essentially press the replay button on the story of your life. You will travel back in time and see everyone you have encountered in your lifetime. The unique and amazing part of this experience is that, unlike watching a replay on your television where you simply see characters re-enact situations, you will actually be there in that moment, experiencing everyone’s emotions are if they were your own.

As a psychic medium, I often receive messages from those who have died who are now able to see this “bigger picture” of how they had affected everyone in their lives. They often say that they wish they had done things differently while they were still here in their physical bodies and are sorry they never told their loved ones how much they loved them. I often hear the same regrets from their living loved ones who also feel it is too late to make things right.

After hearing this time and time again, I realized I needed to spread the important message that we don’t have to wait until we die to see the bigger picture of how we are affecting those in our life. We have a chance right now to release any guilt or resentment we may have in our hearts. We have an opportunity to leave this life with no regrets.

But how can we do that? Well, like many instances in our lives, the answer is very simple – with a letter. We can write our loved ones a positive letter, telling them how much they mean to us. While this may not be the easiest thing to do, it will “eternally” be worth it.

Writing a letter works because we will be taking the time to say exactly what we have always needed to say. We could write everything we would want our loved ones to know, as if we were looking back at our lives with them. The letter should be a very positive one, and we would need to include anything in the letter that we would regret not saying after we left this world.

A letter writing exercise is also a great way to help us heal unresolved issues with our loved ones. We wouldn’t have any regrets after this life, because we’d be able to say and do everything that was needed now.

The different types of letters can include:

- The gratitude letter - a letter with words of love and encouragement to significant people in our lives

- The forgiveness letter - a letter when attempting to forgive someone else or if you are the one who needs to be forgiven.

- A letter to yourself - a loving letter of appreciation to yourself

- A letter to deceased love ones -a letter of either appreciation, forgiveness, or just to maintain your connection to those who have died.

I wrote these types of letters to those in my life, and the results were better than I could ever have anticipated. While these letters were not always easy to write, they have made all the difference, not only in our communication with each other, but in the peace that now exists between all of us.

One of the greatest benefits I received was from a letter I wrote to my mother. The day before she passed away, she was unaware of what was going on around her. As she lay in bed, I was so happy to see the letter I had written to her a year before lying on her desk. It had everything I needed to say, so I pulled up a chair and softly read those words to her. Although she had not responded earlier to anything, as I was reading my letter of love to her, the expression on her face completely changed, and she raised her hands to her mouth. She had heard me! What a blessing it was that I had already written these perfect words and was able to read them to her during her final days. Everything I needed to say was said, and I had no regrets.

You, too, will be able to experience tremendous blessings in your life by taking the time to write these types of letters to your loved ones. Tell them everything you need to tell them now. Write down your words of love and forgiveness (whether you want them to forgive you or you want to forgive them). Try to see through their eyes how you are affecting them, and let them know you will take whatever steps that are necessary to heal your relationships with them.

If you take advantage of this fulfilling and life changing exercise while you’re here on earth, your whole life will take on another direction. You won’t have to wait until you die to see the bigger picture of how you are affecting those around you. You will be able to do it now, and create peace in your life and in the lives around you, before it is too late.

Many blessings to you!

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